Friday, March 11, 2016

Something in the Air DAY 11 OF THE MARCH SOLSC! #SOL16

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL16) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

There is something in the air.

I can feel it. It keeps blowing into me. But I'm not sure what exactly it is!

We talked about it at work today. There is a stress, a struggle, a heaviness. You can see it in the kids. You can feel it from the teachers. It's there.

There is something in the air.

Is it the anticipation of Spring Break?  Parent Conferences?  Upcoming high stakes testing? Is it the national political unrest surrounding elections?  Is it the weather?

No one really could be any of those. Or all of them. Or not of those, but something else entirely.

All I know is that I see it. I hear it. I feel it.

There is something in the air.

At schools that I visit. In my meetings with teachers. HOME!

My 5 year old has taken to ignoring or refusing simple instructions. She is crying or whining about everything and anything. And then, she is happy. And then, not so much! IT IS EXHAUSTING!!

There is something in the air.

My 11 year old has decided that an audible sigh clearly means you are disgusted with him...or angry at him...or... It couldn't possibly mean that you might be tired or want to be doing something other than (insert 11 year old stuff here!).

There is something in the air.

I know that I am ready for Spring Break. I would like the rain to stop (or at least occur when I don't have to be shuttling around in it). I am tired of the political ugliness. But most of all, I would like whatever is in the air to dissipate...ease the stress, lighten the mood, and let us be!


  1. The unrest in our nation is seeping into so many parts of our lives.

  2. Your slice depicts that this "something" is all around -it's in people around us and it is within us, as well. I appreciate that. Spring break comes at just the right time every year, doesn't it?!

  3. I so agree with something being in the air. We just finished the first round of testing and the end of a grading period. There is just so much added stress with that. We have many days of rain too! My spring break is this week so I am hoping that the rain goes away! Have a great weekend!
