I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL16)
hosted by Two Writing Teachers.
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life".
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.
Today I...
Had the pleasure of attending a wonderful professional development session on a challenging topic. For 14 years, I have worked with a population of students who have been said to have "challenging lives". Yet, I have never, until about 2 weeks ago, heard the term "Trauma Informed". Now, it seems I hear it everywhere I turn & today was the first of several learning opportunities I have signed myself up for in order to learn more about what it really means, how it will benefit our teachers, and most importantly how it will make positive learning environments for our students. Today's session was a lot of great information in a short time & I look forward to learning more & sharing with the teachers I work with.
Today I...
Got a call from the school nurse to come pick my son up from school. My 6th grader has never gone to the nurse before! He HATES to miss school...so clearly he REALLY doesn't feel well. I brought him home & he ate some lunch & relaxed in front of the TV for awhile...using half a box of tissues & coughing up a storm. Then he disappeared upstairs & went to sleep. He's eating some dinner now, but it looks like he might be staying home again tomorrow.
Today I...
Ran into an old friend/former teaching partner. We have both left the classroom & travel between multiple sites, so we don't get to chat about things the way we used to when we taught in classrooms down the hall from each other. It's always nice to catch up & talk about all things teaching with her!
Today I...
Realized that I have actually written daily for half the month!! I am so grateful to this challenge & this community for getting me back into the writing habit...now if I could just remember to take my writers' notebook with me when I go out & about. That's my next habit to form!
I hope you son is feeling better today! Seems like the flu is hitting us a little late this year. Maybe because we have had such a mild winter??? Congrats to you for writing everyday! Creating habits is hard...that is why I want to try bullet journaling - to get into that habit!