Friday, March 31, 2017

Hopes and Plans #SOL17 Day 31

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

It's the last day of March...the end of the writing challenge...and I did it! I wrote everyday for 31 days, posted my writing on my blog before 9pm, and commented on 3 or more other bloggers' posts each day. I feel like that's not such a big deal & should be commonplace, and a huge accomplishment all at one!

I LOVE the quote on today's call for posts:

This quote epitomizes my hope for all teachers. I see too many teachers who are not living this...I want to live this and hope others can as well.

I feel the need to end this challenge with hopes and plans.  While today is the end of the month & the end of the is really the beginning!

Hopes, Dreams, & Wishes

I wish ALL teachers could experience this challenge. It is my hope for them that they might discover themselves as writers, so that they can become better teachers of writers.

I dream of classrooms everywhere where students can experience the sense of community we had through this challenge. Where they can know themselves as writers, receive authentic feedback and encouragement, and WANT to write each day.

I hope we can find a way to create our students into writers. Not assignment completers, test takers, or grade scorers...but writers! That is what I regret not doing for all of my previous students, what I wish for my own children, and what I will work toward in my future classrooms.

Plans & Intentions

I plan to write!
Maybe not EVERY day. Maybe not to post & share. Maybe not under the wire before 8:59pm. But I plan to write! It is my intention to stick around for SOL Tuesdays at the very least.

Instead of being out of ideas at the end of the month, I feel full of ideas I plan to write about...

  • Feeling conflicted between innovation & fidelity
  • Communities of readers and writers
  • My dream classroom
  • My dream library
  • My dream school
  • Books, books, books
  • Seeds of stories
  • Memories
  • My kids...always more to say there!

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating and continuing this Slice of Life Story Challenge. Congratulations on 10 years, I'm glad I could join you for the last two!

And thank you to all of the other slicers- Those who read my posts;  who commented and provided feedback or encouragement as well as those who just read and moved on. Those whose slices I had the privilege to read- for the inspiration, the ideas, the entertainment, the community.  I appreciate you all!

Happy writing...

Thursday, March 30, 2017

SOL 6 word stories #SOL17 Day 30

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

Two 6 word stories in honor of the Slice of Life Challenge:

30 days, where have they gone?

Writing every day, feeling so accomplished

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What is in there?! #SOL17 Day 29

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

I asked what to write tonight & my daughter piped up that I should write our backpack incident from last night...

What is in your backpack?
Heavy, bulging
I think I caught a glimpse...

Task of the night-
Clean out the backpack
Find the missing marker.

How many books are you carrying?
When are these papers from?!
Why are these toys in there?

When is this lunch bag from?
Why are there wrappers in here?
What. Is. That?!?

Are you kidding me?
I thought there was a no food rule?
Another rotten banana!!!

At least this time we found it before it started to stink!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

6 Word Memoirs #SOL17 Day 28

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

I love the Slice of Life challenge for so many reasons. But one, for sure, is the variety of formats and writing styles we get exposed to and can then borrow to try out on our own. Today, my first attempts at 6 word sum up the day.

Where did time go, this time?

Rotten food in the backpack- Ewwww!

My boy found his inner writer  =)

Spring Break- come back to us!

Books everywhere, No time to read   =(

If my kids were to write a 6 word memoir right now it would be:

Dinner is over, time for dessert!

Monday, March 27, 2017

My Little Dancer #SOL17 Day 27

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

My daughter is a dancer. She is always dancing. She choreographed her own little dances to Rudolph & We Wish You A Merry Christmas at Christmastime and performed them...nightly. She leaps across the house to the music on commercials or TV theme songs. She dances through the aisles at the store.

Every Monday and Wednesday we venture out for her happy place- dance class. She has been dancing in this program for 2 years now and has progressed from the most beginner class to the most advanced. She and a few other 5-7 year olds who've been together these two years are now dancing with the 9-11 year olds. These girls LOVE to dance.

 After picking everyone up from school or daycare, we head over, she gets changed, and she's dancing for an hour. Her brothers and I sit in the lobby and work on homework while we wait. It's our routine. It's amazing to me that they never complain. It's just what we do- M needs to dance!

Last December her class danced pieces from The Nutcracker for their recital. She had 5 costume changes. It was stressful for me, but she had a great time. She loves the different pieces and getting into character in her costumes. I love the way she lights up when she gets lost in the dance!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

I AM a Writer #SOL17 Day 26

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

Last night I was channel surfing for some late night television watching & stumbled across the movie Julie & Julia. I saw the movie when it came out several years ago, but haven't watched it since, so I left it on.

I quickly felt connected as the character in the movie decides to start a daily blog. Throughout the movie I kept making connections to my own experience through this Slice of Life challenge.

My favorite part by far, however, was when Julie, after having an article about her in the New York Times, comes home to 65 messages on her answering machine. This is when (with the help of her husband) she realizes- SHE IS A WRITER!!

I've written and posted on this blog for 26 days in a row- I AM A WRITER!!

My fellow slicers- WE ARE WRITERS!!

Keep writing...

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Looking Back #SOL17 Day 25

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

I spent a chunk of today rereading my Slice of Life posts from last year and I had two big reflections.

First, I'm super thankful to have found this challenge and for deciding to jump in last year. This is my second year participating in this March challenge and I appreciate it immensely. It lights the fire I need in myself to write each day. To write something- whether it is profound or not. Whether it is detailed or brief. Whether it is emotionally deep or flip. Something each day. I hope that this year I will gift myself with more writing AFTER March is over. Last year, I wrote one Tuesday in April and then my blog lay dormant. A few notebook entries exist from last summer, but not much more.  I want to write more. I intend to write more. Be it a slice of life, a story, a book review, or a letter...I need to write more. Maybe not every day, but most. Maybe some days in my notebook for just me- thoughts, ramblings, scattered phrases...but more!

Having the opportunity to reread and reflect on what was going on in my life last year is so nice! This challenge provides a snapshot into my life at that time.

Which leads to my second reflection...not much has changed! As I read each post, I felt like I could have written many of them this month. My children are a year older. I am a year further into my job. My parents have been gone for a year longer and would be a year older on their birthdays this year. But so much is the same. My children's interests & activities have continued. Our struggles with time management & organization continue (we really need to get a handle on that!).  A clear pattern unfolds for March- stress, exhaustion, projects, camping trips, Spring's a pretty similar month this year to last year.

My first thought as I reread my posts was- not much has changed. We must be pretty boring. We haven't evolved.

But then I paused...

I don't know that it's necessarily a bad thing. We are living life. Each year is a cycle, and I'm capturing the same part of that cycle. Maybe if I wrote everyday in September my posts would be drastically different. But this is March. It also shows consistency. My kids are still active in their Scout troops, still camping, still enjoying their books and their art. Still causing me stress...and still making me proud.

So, thank you to Two Writing Teachers for hosting this challenge. Thank you to whatever luck of internet wandering brought me to this community. Thank you to all of the other slicers who share their posts & comment on mine providing me unending inspiration & encouragement. Thank you to my family for putting up with my frantic attempts to get my slices posted in time each night. And thank you to my inner writer for pushing, poking & prodding me to write!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Missing #SOL17 Day 24

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

Something else is missing.
Do you know where it is?
Where did that bag go?
What happened to that paper?
I don't know what I did with that.
I can't find my _____.

It seems a daily problem.
Always a crisis
Mom's supposed to know where everyone's stuff has gone!
Who's keeping track of Mom's?

And the search begins....

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Grocery Shopping #SOL17 Day 23

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

Image result for super add a maticI remember grocery shopping with my mom when I was little. It was a routine...practically a ritual. Every Sunday. She had her list, the circular, and her coupons. She had her manual calculator to keep track of the running cost of the items we put in the cart. We never ventured out unprepared. I didn't always go with her. Sometimes she would go while the kids were all at church. Other times she would go after church and I would join her to help. I remember keeping track of our order using the manual money counter. It was a big job.

Image result for shopping cart
I am not a grocery shopper. I keep a running list on my phone of things we need. I have tried to check circulars and cut coupons, but I struggle to keep track of them. I buy most of our groceries at Target or Costco and only go to the grocery store when I need something I can't find at the others. I go to the store when I need to...or when I can get there...or when it's convenient. 

Today I had the pleasure new experience of taking my boys grocery shopping. Not having them help me purchase our groceries- we've done that. But rather taking them and setting them loose with a fellow Boy Scout to do their own grocery shopping for this weekend's camping trip. The repeatedly told me they knew what they needed. We reviewed how much money they had to spend before we got to the store. My daughter & I set off in one direction and let the boys go off on their own. 

After awhile we were done & started wandering. We passed the boys in the same aisle...3 times! We checked in with them, but tried to let them be. Once they were (FINALLY) done we met back up to pay. They determined that they potentially went over the cash they had, so I would pay for the entire order and they would reimburse me with the cash they collected. 

They were expecting a total budget of $40 from all boys chipping in. The bill came to $40.26. 

And then they realized they forgot bread. 
Then they realized they forgot to get food for breakfast each day. 

So, they would need to ask the boys for more money. 
And we would need to go shopping again tomorrow. 

TWO HOURS in the store today for $40 worth of groceries wasn't enough?! 
Oh how I wish my mom were here to guide them in this shopping endeavor...

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Just Another Day #SOL17 Day 22

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

It's late
We've been running around
Sharing a car adds stress

Dance Class
Dinner with friends

My alarm sounded...
Post your Slice...
Oh, no!

Time runs out
So much to say
And nothing as well

An average day
Nothing exciting
Parenting meltdowns

Need to post
Get kids' stuff done
And everyone to bed

Tomorrow will be another day
But will it be more interesting?
Only time will tell.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Today's Gratitudes #SOL17 Day 21

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

I sat down at the computer an hour ago, but no writing has happened. Well, except for a few comments on other slicers's posts.

Instead, I have spent this time wandering the internet. I ordered my daughter's dance costumes. I scrolled through Facebook. I read some great teaching inspiration & ideas on Twitter. I read through lots of slices; caught up in interesting stories, teaching ideas, writing inspiration.

Even after this exploration, I have no ideas (or too many) for a "slice". That one event or memory is not standing forth to be written tonight.

Instead, I will take my inspiration from reflectivewriter's post Today's Gratitudes.

Today's Gratitudes

Sleeping In- I did not sleep all that late today. But it was later than usual on a schoolday. And that was enough. My children have been waking up on their own, and that is MUCH more pleasant than having to fight them to get up on time!

Movies- We've watched several as a family over the past few days & it's been lovely! Today the kids & I joined my sister and went to the theatre to see the new Beauty & the Beast. It was fantastic. My smile was wide through most of it...though that was peppered by even my 6 & 10 year olds' pronouncements of  tears shed over "the sad parts". We've also watched a bunch at home: Moana, Beauty & the Beast (animated), Beetlejuice, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows...

Time to Read- We've taken time to read each day & it's been so nice. I finished a few books and continued a few others. My kids have each enjoyed some of their own as well. It's such a joy to have time to read!

My family- They drive me crazy at times, but I wouldn't trade them for a second. They are smart, insightful, creative, considerate (most of the time), caring, and FUNNY. They make me laugh out loud and life without them would be quite boring.

Being Connected- This SOLSC. Twitter. Facebook. Blogs. Webinars. I LOVE the ability the internet gives up to be connected with so many across so many miles. I have connected with, learned from, been inspired by people that I otherwise would never have encountered thanks to this connected community!

Monday, March 20, 2017

I Have No Idea #SOL17 Day 20

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

I have no idea
That is my answer
I have no idea
That's all I've got
I have no idea
Thoughts evade me
I have no idea

What's for dinner?
Where are we going?
Why are we going out?
What's going on?

The questions keep coming
My answer stays the same

I have no idea

Sometimes I need someone else to decide
Or else we might
End up at home
Eating cookies or leftover cheesecake for dinner!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

My Little Maker #SOL17 Day 19

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

I frequently refer to my 6 year old as "my little maker".

Because of her creative endeavors, my entire house has turned into a makerspace.

I (half) joke that we need to take out stock in tape, glue, and paper.

Her creativity astounds me. Her willingness to try things is incredible. She has no hesitation. She determines what needs to be made...and ventures out to make it.

She & her brother were playing spy school, but couldn't find the walkie talkies. No worries, she grabbed a piece of paper and proceeded to draw and cut out two walkie talkies for them to continue their game.

We receive frequent requests- I need 6 pieces of paper and 2 pieces of tape. I need 3 pieces of paper and 6 pieces of tape. She will sit for long periods of time working. Folding, cutting, taping or gluing, writing or drawing...until she completes her vision.

My boys were never like this. It's a new adventure for us.

Her latest addition is what we've affectionately named "Kayla's Krafting Korner". (I think we might see a sign created and hung out soon!)

On Friday (St. Patrick's Day), she invited each family member to join her for a directed craft project to create a leprechaun. She gathered & set out materials- just like you would see if you went to a kids art class (which we have NEVER taken her to!!). I was the only willing participant, so class began. She took me through step by step (many of which began, "Take you pencil and...") and I followed her directions as closely as possible. Indeed I ended up with a foam leprechaun.

She has already announced that for Easter she will be providing a session to make our own bunnies. She also asked her brother is he would like to join her for a drawing lesson.

The creative confidence this 6 year old exhibits blows my mind.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Painting Fun #SOL17 Day 18

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

This afternoon my oldest, my youngest, and I ventured out for a new adventure. We attended our first Mommy & Me painting party.

It was fun.
It was challenging.
It was frustrating.
It was stressful.
It was fun.

I feel like painting is supposed to be calming and peaceful. This is my vision...but not my reality!

I'm glad we went...I think.
We'll go again...I think.
My middle regrets not joining us...he thinks.

Painting really mirrors the path of learning & success. We were exited to begin. It got messy and hard in the middle. And in the end we felt accomplished and proud. A life lesson for sure!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Science Fair Fun #SOL17 Day 17

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

This afternoon I took my kids to our District Science Fair.

I wasn't sure what to expect. And we debated whether to even go or not. My kids didn't know anything about it- their teachers hadn't mentioned it. It was Friday afternoon. Before Spring Break. I was kind of ready to be done!

But, we ventured forth. I picked the kids up & we went to check it out.

There were science fair projects from students at several of our district middle & high schools. My boys walked up & down the middle school displays looking for projects their friends completed. They found a few...along with a friend or two!

I saw two of my former 5th graders (now HS Sophomores) was doing robotic demonstrations that my daughter was mesmerized by and the other showed me her science display. So proud!

They had several scientists there to talk to, so our first stop was the Veterinarian because my little talks all the time about that being her future plan. Her brothers took her over, helped her ask questions and learn bore about the science.

The highlight by far of this awesome event was the Virtual Reality station our District TSS Department set up. My boys both tried it out fighting disease in a virtual body. They were amazed!

I'm so glad we decided to venture out to this event before heading was a great way to kick off Spring Break!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Weather Woes #SOL17 Day 16

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

Sometimes the weather can be so ironic!

(I apologize to those back East who have been suffering snow & bitter cold for what I am about to complain about!)

Our weather has been quite springy...almost summery lately
Temperatures have been warm
Sun has been shining
It's been a challenge to focus and stay inside.

Tomorrow is our last day of school before Spring Break.
We will have a chance to really enjoy this spring weather.

So, of course, when I go check the weather
The temperature is set to drop 10 degrees on Saturday
The rain is set to begin on Sunday
And last all week...

So much for that!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Currently I'm... #SOL15 Day 15

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

I have seen "Currently I'm..." blog posts for a few years now. Before I had a blog! And I always thought they were fun & pretty interesting to read. I've seen a few pop up on SOLSC this month and I've enjoyed finding out about my fellow slicers. I even shared in comments on someone's post last week that an eighth grade teacher at my son's school has a "Currently I'm..." board behind her desk. She can update it with whiteboard marker to share more about herself with her students. Talk about a relationship builder!! And perfect that as an English teacher it provides a space for her to share what she's reading with her students...way to inspire a love of reading.

So, today I share my own version..

Currently I'm


I used to be a big TV watcher. Now, most of what I watch is what the rest of my family chooses- Bob's Burgers, The Middle, How I Met Your Mother. An interesting mix for sure. When I get the remote I usually am watching NCIS, or reruns of CSI Miami or Law and Order. 


so many books!! I had a great day at the bookstore this weekend where I read 10 picture books...that's my favorite! And I just finished Starr Sackstein's Teaching Students to Self-Assess. It was brilliant!


I am almost always listening to 2 audiobooks. Right now I'm listening to Another Day by David Levithan by myself and First Light by Rebecca Stead with my kids.


myself write every day. It's crazy that something I want so much is so hard to make happen. But today is day 15 and I have done it. I look forward to continuing to make myself stick with it!


Tired! I went to see a musical in San Francisco last night, so I was out late and only got about 4 hours of sleep. Add that to the running around and managing needed for our family of 5...I'm tired! It's pretty much a constant.


A lovely week of down time and productivity (we'll see how well it goes trying to accomplish BOTH of those) next week on our Spring Break.  Sleeping in, lunch dates, trips to the library & bookstore, spring cleaning, a movie or two, exercise with my kids, and of course writing time!


My family. Always. I love watching the big kids my children are growing into. I love seeing their interests grow and develop. I love seeing them get excited about information and learning. I love seeing them navigate the world of relationships and growing up. I love spending time with them and enjoying each others' company.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Waging War #SOL17 Day 14

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

War has been waged against us this entire school year. 
The enemy we are facing is "being late to school".
We are fighting on three separate battlefields.

The first battlefield is, of course, HOME. 

We are a family of night owls. No one wants to go to bed at night. No one wants to get up in the morning. This has been made even worse this week by the deadly combination of week before spring break anticipation and losing an hour for Daylight Savings Time.

So, mornings are a scramble. I have not even mastered the fine art of getting myself up, ready, and out in a calm, timely manner. But trying to do that while adding 3 kids ready for school in the mix is a challenge to say the least.

We hurried and rushed this morning. 
We were late out the door, but not crazy late. 
Earlier than we were yesterday...
so we can count ourselves victorious on this front today!

Our next battlefield is TRAFFIC.

My gps tells me that school #1 is 7 miles from our house. Without traffic, trains, or hitting every red light in creation it takes at least 15 minutes to get there. But, reality reminds us on a daily basis that there are several stoplights between here and there. And a railroad crossing. And an onramp to the freeway. And several other schools with kids walking and biking.

And that's just to school #1- we also need to get to either daycare or 2 other schools!

Traffic was a draw today. 
We made almost every light, 
but stopped in stand still traffic on the parkway.

The final (and potentially most dangerous) battlefield is SCHOOL DROP OFF.

Busses, cars, walkers. Parents and kids who think it's a great idea to run across the middle of the street instead of going to the crosswalk. Families who choose to have kids jump out of cars in the middle of the street (despite the repeated notices home not to do this) - and  inevitably at least one of these kids forgets something & runs back out to their car. Cars that pull halfway to the curb and back into traffic whether there is space for them or not. Cars that stop right inside the parking lot rather than pulling all the way in & parents who choose to get out of their cars in the drop off lane to open a door or touch their kids.

ALL of these happened today. 
We were trapped in the driveway 
waiting to pull in to the parking lot 
so my son could safely get out 
and through the gate to school. 

They were getting ready to lock the gate. 
"Get out and RUN!" we told my son. 
But he readjusted to grab his stuff.
He got out of the car, 
and shut the door... 
as the gate closed.
And my son stood, 
We lost this battle.
We were defeated!
This time...

We are still at war.
We will not surrender.
We will keep fighting.
We will regroup.
We will prepare our battle strategies.
We will go back out there tomorrow.
We will not give up
Until we are victorious
And we conquer the tardy slip!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Happy Birthday, Mom & Dad! #SOL17 Day 13

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

March was always "birthday month". Growing up, it was convenient that my parents' birthdays were exactly one week apart. I always remembered when they were, we could celebrate them together, and I always thought it was kind of cute & funny!

Since they have both passed, it makes for a bit of a rough week.

So, last Monday, my mom would have been 78 years young. This June it will be 22 years since she died just a week after my college graduation. She never met the man who would become my husband, nor did she meet her 3 amazing grandkids. They know her through memories we share, traditions she began, and photos like these (though she was not a big fan of having her photo taken in later years):

Today, was my dad's birthday and he would have been 82. He passed away 10 years ago the day we brought my middle son home from the hospital. Only my oldest son met his Grandpa George, but he doesn't remember since he was only 18 months old. Again, we rely on memories and pictures for them to learn who this man was and feel close to him.

Despite never having met their grandparents, my kids bring them up often. They ask questions and enjoy the stories. This weekend they asked if we would celebrate my dad's birthday today, and when my middle son saw these pictures on my phone, he looked right at them and declared, "Happy Birthday, Grandpa George!"

Indeed, it is March; birthday month. Happy Birthday, Mom & Dad!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Car Thief #SOL17 Day 12

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

The dash flashed "Theft Attempted" as I finally drove away.

Apparently, I tried to steal a car.

My car.

With my key.

When we left lunch today, my key fob would not unlock my car. Try as I might, nothing was happening. I had 3 kids standing in front of the pizza place trying to get in a locked car to go grocery shopping.

After trying it countless times, I decided...My door has a keyhole

My keyfob is connected to my key! The key I use to start the car every time I drive it! It would seem you could use that key to unlock the car door...

So, I inserted the key into the door...
I turned it...

And the alarms started blaring!
Incessant beeping
Passersby looking
Ears being covered

I locked, I unlocked, I locked again
I closed the door
Anything to try to make it stop!
And eventually it did.

And then we were still locked out.
And scared to try that again!
We waited,
I searched online and
I texted my husband seeking advice

His suggestion was unlock with the key,
Put it in the ignition & start the car
Maybe that would shut the blaring off

We were all scared.
My kids backed away,
Covering their ears.
I braced myself
Put the key in the door
Turned it

No alarms the second time around.

But, as we drove away, I saw the display:


We drove home and switched cars before venturing out again. And I bought some batteries to try to change in the key fob. Hopefully that works.

Otherwise, I'm going to have to steal my car again. With my key.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Saturday Satisfaction #SOL17 Day 11

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

This morning my daughter and I set off for our "girl date" (as she likes to call it when the boys are off doing their own thing and she has me to herself).

First stop- Panera for our own personal "Pastries with Parents" (the name of a special morning event which I missed at school this week...I promised I'd make it up to her). We shared a blueberry muffin and a cinnamon crunch bagel- yummy!

Then we hurried to get to our hair appointment on time. Regular color and cut for me. My little bit needed her bangs trimmed and surprised us all with yesterday's announcement that she also wanted her hair cut. So, about 4 inches came off the back of her hair- short enough to notice a difference, but long enough to still go up in a ponytail and manage a bun for ballet! It looks cute...and I'm interested to see how it looks once we wash it & style it at home!

A few errands and then to lunch. A surprise twist to the day was getting to meet up with dad & brothers for lunch after they finished up with their morning scout event. The entire family out to lunch on a Saturday is RARE for us, so that was a nice treat. After lunch we sent dad home on his own and the boys joined us for the rest of our adventure.

Our last stop was one of our favorites which we haven't hit for awhile- the bookstore! My daughter loves going to Barnes & Noble for storytime. I love sitting among the books and enjoying as many as I can while we're there- a chance to check out what new & exciting in the world of kidlit. We had to miss storytime because of the morning's other plans, but were looking forward to enjoying some books on our own. We were pleasantly surprised to find some special events going on, so in addition to book browsing the kids got to do STEM challenges and a Lego build.

It's been a long day, and I'd be lying if I said everyone was happy, positive, and cooperative for the whole thing! But, I choose to focus on the pleasure and joy in what we got to  do together. I choose to focus on the togetherness and enjoyment we shared. I choose to focus on the satisfaction of having this family time on a Saturday.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Kids are Sponges! #SOL17 Day 10

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

My Kids are sponges!

After school this afternoon I took my son to interview an engineer for a merit badge he's working on for Boy Scouts. I blinked and he was back! He was only inside meeting with her for a total of ten minutes. We thanked her for her time and drove away...and my son proceeded to talk about all he learned from her...for MORE than ten minutes!! He told me every detail with great enthusiasm.

Then we picked up the younger two. My daughter had a fire truck ðŸš’ come visit school today. She proceeded to tell us every detail of what she learned. And I mean details! She learned all about being a firefighter...which of course now she wants to be! We heard about their uniform, and their tools, and their job...

Then big brother shared what he learned about engineers with them, and I got to hear it all again!!

I love listening to these kids enthuse about what they learn. And I love that they don't give a simple overview, but rather share details upon details letting us know how much they learned, how excited they are to learn, and how much they enjoy sharing it with others.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Mommy Are You Listening? #SOL17 Day 9

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

It's always amazing how our kids demand our attention as soon as we are busy with other things.

We were waiting for the boys to finish up at scouts tonight. My alarm reminding me to post this blog post went off. Other parents came in and began a conversation with me. And THAT'S when my daughter says, "Mommy, I'm going to read this book to you!"

I told her I would listen with one ear, as I attempted to begin writing and continue the grown up conversation.

"Mommy, are you REALLY listening?!"

Yep, she caught me! As much as I might be able to multi-task, this attempt may have been a bit much. But, I tried my best. I tuned in to hear her read about what pigs eat and drink and to announce that they must be mammals since they drink milk from their mother. Apparently they started learning about mammals in 1st grade today.

So, I was really listening. I heard her. I learned about what she's learning about. And I got a slice out of it as well!

Yes, baby, I'm listening!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I Love to Read Week #SOL17 Day 8

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

This week my daughter's school is having "I Love to Read" Week. They brought books to donate one day and brought favorite books to read in class another. Today was "dress like your favorite book character" day and they had guest speakers come to talk about reading and read to classes. Then tonight was a literacy night event with a guest speaker.

I'm torn.

I love the focus on reading. I love the push. I love the fun and enjoyment surrounding reading.

But why isn't that every week? Every day?

Shouldn't THAT be our goal? To make every day about loving to read? That's my goal!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Not My Usual After School Haunts #SOL17 Day 7

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

Today, "after school" found me of outside my typical routine. It wasn't a Ballet or Scouts day. We bypassed Target, Costco, and the Library. And home was far in the future for me.

After picking my 12 year old up from Middle School, we drove to JDF. The text with him earlier in the day was classic:

ME: You are going to JDF this afternoon after school.
HIM: What is JDF?
ME: Juvenile deterntion
Him: WHAT?!?!?!?

I truly LOLed! I then reminded him of the Boy Scout merit badge he's been working on and the fact that he'd been trying to set this visit up! Oh yeah...gotta love a forgetful 12 year old brain!!

So, we drove to JDF and his dad met us there and took him in for his visit. I had the pleasure of sitting in the parking lot for 45 minutes! When we left, he reported that it was very interesting, he learned a lot, got his questions answered, and NO, he would rather I NOT get a teaching job there!!

After picking up the other kids, grabbing a quick dinner, and dropping them off at home with Daddy, we set off to our local City Council Meeting. Yep...another merit badge...another part of our community to explore. So, that's where I've been for the past 90 minutes. It was riveting!! Well, not really, but it wasn't too terrible...and I know it could have been way worse!

So now we are approaching "past bedtime" and I have just gotten home. Need to blog. Laundry. Showers. Finish up homework. Charge school devices. Prepare for school tomorrow. Relax?! Sleep...

I'm not thrilled to have lost one of the few evenings I should have had time at home. The next few nights are busy with our usual activities. But, I'm glad to be able to support my son in his endeavors. And to spend quality time with him in these experiences. I know it means a lot to him that we take this time for him.

So, it is worth it.

But the laundry is still not done!!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Not Feeling It! #SOL17 Day 6

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

I am not feeling it tonight...
Nothing's going right.
Just want to hide away.

Can't focus

Computer freezing,
Comments won't post,
Everything glitching

Kids not listening,
"I don't wanna!"
"I didn't do it!"

Tomorrow's another day-
Hopefully a better one!
I'll try again then...

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Enjoying the Enjoyment #SOL17 Day 5

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

It's Sunday evening. The weekend is coming to a close. But I'm still relishing in the enjoyment that surrounds me.

Earlier I napped on the couch while my oldest son drew in his beloved sketchpad and my younger two played a board game with Daddy. Bliss! We were all together in the same space. All enjoying restful activities and enjoying our day off. It was peaceful- not rushing around and feeling stressed. It was quiet-no one yelling, or crying, or arguing. I cherish these moments and need to capture them and hold onto that feeling- fleeting and far between as it may be.

And yet, now as I type, I am enjoying a second moment in one day!

My daughter is upstairs playing...aside from a few random rustles as she walks past the stairs you could forget she's even there! She is happy, content, and engrossed in her world. My boys are sitting around the living room. My middle son is playing the Wii...and his dad & brother have taken up residence on opposite couches as coaches of sorts. They are narrating, planning, strategizing, and encouraging- all while laughing, yelling, and cringing right along with him!

These are the moments.

We need more of these...

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Boy or Man #SOL17 Day 4

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

My oldest is 12.  Last I checked, that's still a kid! So where did this little man come from?

Twice this weekend I have had complete strangers comment to me after having an interaction with this boy. How impressive he is; how it seemed like they were interacting with an adult; how I have a great kid. Yep...I knew that part! He IS a great kid and really I couldn't be more proud of him! And yet, somehow there is more...every time I hear this type of comment!

Last night we went out to dinner. My boys went in to get us a table while I worked on waking up little sister who'd fallen asleep on the way. we walked in and the gentleman at the front desk said, "Are you with, M--? He's incredible! I thought I was dealing with a grown adult!"

Today, M went to a community leadership training that he signed up for. He didn't know anyone else going and it was not specifically for youth, but he was excited to go. He wanted to grow his leadership skills and give back to his community (the goals of every 7th grader, right?!). It turns out, the session was (as I'd feared) him along with a group of other teenagers or kids! And yet, I got a text midway through that said, "This is great! I'm having lots of fun!" When I went to pick him up, he was escorted out by a gentleman who works at a local church. He relayed to me that at the start of the session, they assumed my son was just someone's kid who was dragged to the meeting. But, he continued, after they started talking, he was surprised that had some great ideas- in fact M had an idea the group voted on and decided to pursue for our community. They want him to continue coming to their sessions (that was his plan!) and to continue sharing any ideas for the planning process. The kids gentleman didn't want to just give my 12 year old his phone number which was why he came to speak with me, but he also wanted to tell me how impressed they were with him and that I should be very proud.

Yep! Proud for sure! But, really when did my little boy grow into this bold, well-spoken, idea-filled grown up?!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Feeling Empty #SOL17 Day 3

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

Feeling Empty
Nothing to give
Nothing to say

Feeling Empty
Want to escape
Want to retreat

Feeling Empty
Need to recharge
Need to refuel

Yep...Friday night & I've got nothing! So glad the weekend is here...

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Field Trip Day #SOL17 Day 2

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

As a teacher, I have never been a big fan of field trips. Don't get me wrong, I love the experiences and opportunities they provide for our students. But I've never been a fan of the stress that comes with planning and executing a trip. And after a bad experience of parents not paying attention and multiple students getting bee stings on a trip to the zoo, I have just NOT been a fan!

But today was different. Today, I got to attend a field trip as a parent. So I had way less stress and got to really enjoy the day.

I loaded five 5th grade boys into my van and drove a few towns over to the Mondavi Center at UC Davis. 

We enjoyed a leisurely walk through a lovely wooded area, and the kids marveled at squirrels, ducks, birds, trees, cacti, etc. 

Then we headed into the theatre and enjoyed an incredible education performance by the Dance Theatre of Harlem. It was clear that some of the students were not prepared for this type of performance, but for the most part everyone in the audience was quite respectful and engaged by the information and dancing they got to experience. Personally, I loved it, and, happily, my son did as well. 

After a quick restroom stop, we went back out to the arboretum for lunch on the lawn. The kids took a few minutes to sketch some of their observations and it was time to head back to the cars and back to school.

It was leisurely. It was peaceful. It was enjoyable. It was low-key. It was great. 

Being a teacher, I have struggled for years with being able to attend my own children's field trips. After today, I'm glad I made it happen.