Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Take Two - #SOL17 Day 1

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

Let's try this again!

I have such good intentions of writing regularly...
yet so little follow through!

A blog post here, a quickwrite there.

Last March I participated in Slice of Life for the first time
and wrote every day for the entire month.
I was proud.
I was happy.
I was writing.
I was on a roll...

And then I stopped!
Let life take over again,
Kids, school,!

A burst of writing when focused,
But fleeting focus and I can't hold on to it

I want to try again.
I want to create a habit.
I want to gift this to myself,
and my children, my students, my teachers.
I want to write!

So I am back to try again-
Slice of Life,
my blog,
my writing...
Take Two!


  1. We share the same journey. My blog was so neglected all year as well! I know they are happy to see us back! Here we go!

  2. You've got this! The life that "took over" just brought you more ideas, right?
