I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17)
hosted by Two Writing Teachers.
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life".
I spent a chunk of today rereading my Slice of Life posts from last year and I had two big reflections.
First, I'm super thankful to have found this challenge and for deciding to jump in last year. This is my second year participating in this March challenge and I appreciate it immensely. It lights the fire I need in myself to write each day. To write something- whether it is profound or not. Whether it is detailed or brief. Whether it is emotionally deep or flip. Something each day. I hope that this year I will gift myself with more writing AFTER March is over. Last year, I wrote one Tuesday in April and then my blog lay dormant. A few notebook entries exist from last summer, but not much more. I want to write more. I intend to write more. Be it a slice of life, a story, a book review, or a letter...I need to write more. Maybe not every day, but most. Maybe some days in my notebook for just me- thoughts, ramblings, scattered phrases...but more!
Having the opportunity to reread and reflect on what was going on in my life last year is so nice! This challenge provides a snapshot into my life at that time.
Which leads to my second reflection...not much has changed! As I read each post, I felt like I could have written many of them this month. My children are a year older. I am a year further into my job. My parents have been gone for a year longer and would be a year older on their birthdays this year. But so much is the same. My children's interests & activities have continued. Our struggles with time management & organization continue (we really need to get a handle on that!). A clear pattern unfolds for March- stress, exhaustion, projects, camping trips, Spring Break...it's a pretty similar month this year to last year.
My first thought as I reread my posts was- not much has changed. We must be pretty boring. We haven't evolved.
But then I paused...
I don't know that it's necessarily a bad thing. We are living life. Each year is a cycle, and I'm capturing the same part of that cycle. Maybe if I wrote everyday in September my posts would be drastically different. But this is March. It also shows consistency. My kids are still active in their Scout troops, still camping, still enjoying their books and their art. Still causing me stress...and still making me proud.
So, thank you to Two Writing Teachers for hosting this challenge. Thank you to whatever luck of internet wandering brought me to this community. Thank you to all of the other slicers who share their posts & comment on mine providing me unending inspiration & encouragement. Thank you to my family for putting up with my frantic attempts to get my slices posted in time each night. And thank you to my inner writer for pushing, poking & prodding me to write!
I love looking back at this snapshot of my life each year. It's such a gift! So glad you joined the challenge last year and are continuing this year. I want to keep writing after March ends, too!
ReplyDeleteI agree on the positive experience of slicing! My first time, but I will be back!