Thursday, March 30, 2017

SOL 6 word stories #SOL17 Day 30

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

Two 6 word stories in honor of the Slice of Life Challenge:

30 days, where have they gone?

Writing every day, feeling so accomplished


  1. It's amazing and powerful what you can capture in only six words. Thank you for sharing!

  2. It IS such a sense of accomplishment at month's end, isn't it? Kathleen encouraged me to buy myself something (since, as co-authors, we don't get prizes). I think I have to do that!

    Congrats on finishing, Krista!
