Friday, March 3, 2017

Feeling Empty #SOL17 Day 3

I am participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC; #SOL17) 
hosted by Two Writing Teachers
Each day for the month of March I will be posting a "Slice of Life". 
Please feel free to stop back and check out my other posts here.

Feeling Empty
Nothing to give
Nothing to say

Feeling Empty
Want to escape
Want to retreat

Feeling Empty
Need to recharge
Need to refuel

Yep...Friday night & I've got nothing! So glad the weekend is here...


  1. Well you found a poem to share, so that is something!

  2. I like the repetition in the nothing-nothing, want-want, need-need. It creates an urgency in your words that carries through to the end.

  3. We all need a break! Hope this weekend is what you need to recharge.
